Academic Council

Academic Council of E-college

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Raymedi international established the e-college in 2020. In the same year governing body of Raymedi international formed and academic council for e- college of critical care. Academic council consists of scientific chair, academic council members, Programme directors and subject experts

Scientific Chair
  • The Scientific Chair is the department’s chief academic officer, responsible for the faculty of the raymedi inetrantional. These dual roles require that the Chair interpret company’s policies to the faculty, and ensure their effective execution, and at the same time, represent individual and group concerns of Executive Committee members to the Raymedi International.
  • The Chair is responsible for the development and enhancement of clinical, educational, and research activities, along with maintaining the quality of the faculty.
  • The Chair is responsible for the development of departmental recommendations.
  • The Chair is expected to be serving as a role model for the department by demonstrating institutional citizenship through participation in governance and in committee activities of the company, and the profession at large.
  • The Chair is expected to provide visionary leadership of the department and to oversee the departmental strategic planning so as to improve the quality of the clinical, educational, and research programs. Such planning should be in accord with the overall vision for the raymedi international.
  • The Chair appoints in consultation with the Program Director, approves all new courses; and initiates, plans, and coordinates CMEs and company educational efforts.
  • For Training courses and Fellowship, either directly or through designees, the Chair is responsible for the educational quality of the training courses and fellowships
  • For Continuing Medical Education (CME) Courses: The Chair approves all CME offerings by the Department and works with the Academic Council and the Program Director, as appropriate.
  • The Chair is responsible for the overall planning and assessment of the quality of clinical programs within the Company and for attending to the Department’s service delivery capability insofar as it affects the academic program of the Department. The Chair, in conjunction with the Academic Council, is actively involved in the development and implementation of faculty practice plans within the Department.
  • The Chair has the overall responsibility for research activities within the Department, an important aspect of which is protecting the faculty’s interests as professional scholars and promoting their professional development.
  • The Chair is responsible for the development of the academic plan for the faculty. The Chair presents the Department’s academic plan to the Academic council.
  • Safe and Respectful Work Environment: The Chair is expected to facilitate and maintain a safe and respectful work environment for faculty, students, trainees.
  • The Chair is responsible for convening meetings of the Department faculty. The Chair makes committee assignments within the Department and recommends Department faculty for committee assignments outside the Department. He or she maintains faculty records of research reports and publications
Program Director

Responsibilities Include :

  • Student enrollment:
    • Identify the applicants who meet the entry requirement
    • Prepare the final list and inform the students about the status of the appl
    • Supervise the informing of the selected candidates for the course
    • Provide the relevant documents to the s(The relevant documents include timetable, course outline, rules and regulations, assessment policy, academic calendar etc)
    • Giving advanced standing if the need arises
    • Attend to all administrative matters that may arise regarding student
  • Coordination:
    • Maintain student teacher records for the course
    • Attend to all cases of disciplinary charges.
    • Prepare the final marks at the end of the course.
    • Monitor the progress of stude
    • Ensure that all students receive the necessary course documentation i.e. course outlines, dates of assignments et
    • Maintain a record for the attendance of the students attending the course.
    • Deal with all academic related issues of students, conduct evaluation of lectures and the course, supervise and monitor the process of the course.
Teaching staff
  • Minimum academic qualifications and teaching experience of the teaching staff: Post Graduate Medical Degree with a minimum of 3yrs of experience in the field.
  • Responsibilities of the teaching staff : 
    • Coordinating the sessions
    • Arranging the necessary resource materials.
    • Conducting and completing the sessions effectively to enable the students to achieve the learning outcomes
    • Evaluating the students’ performance and reporting to the course coordinator.
Staff performance and Student Evaluation of the Course
  • Performance criteria and process will be utilized for staff appraisal
  • Student’s evaluation of the course.
Programme Director's Message

After MBBS Course, many doctors, though good in theoretically, lack the practical knowledge necessary for early diagnosis and intervention, this results in decreased confidence on their part and those around them. Hence they need a good bedside clinical knowledge.

I’ve been in the medical field for over 2 decades, which includes a decade of critical care practice. Throughout my 10 years in Critical Care, I’ve attended a numerous conferences and seminars as a delegate, a facilitator, a moderator and also as a teacher. In these scientific events, it’s been my keen observation that there is a decreased interest among the attendees to learn and sharpen their knowledge. Mostly the emphasis lies upon the current trend and scientific evidence and the basics are conveniently omitted. These events though are being conducted frequently, it only provides more of a theoretical prospective. However the course like this is primarily, practical oriented, with major emphasis being laid on the ‘Basics’, formulated to sharpen the bedside knowledge of the critical care practitioners, and  undertaken more frequently on a regular basis.

My fellow professionals, who are interested to increase their bedside knowledge in the ICUs, have been requesting me to conduct a crash course on critical care practice. But because of my increasing professional commitments, I’ve not been able to do so up until now. So I feel it’s time now to give back what I’ve learnt, share my experiences and teach what I know. In addition, the nursing staffs need to acquire and better their clinical knowledge. Quite often, their basic skillsets are found to be deficient and also they need guidance to prepare themselves form the examination point of view. The paramedics could also derive tremendous benefit from this course.

This course intends to focus on early recognition, immediate intervention, leading improved patient, culmination in good treatment outcomes. Software applications and audiovisual aids will be used. Doctors are always in a state of tension in ICUs and need to be stress free. Finally, there should be no compromise whatsoever in patient care.

Dr. Raghunath. Aladakatti

Consultant Intensivist and Course Director

Academic Council Memebrs :

Sl No. Name Qualification Specification
1 Dr. S. Ranganathaiah MBBS, MD, Scientific chair Scientific chair,Senior Consultant Physician
2 Dr. Raghunath A MBBS, DA,IDCCM (ISCCM) ,EDIC (U.K), FICM (RGUHS) Consultant Critical Care
3 Dr. Mahadev K MBBS, DA, DNB, EDIC Consultant Critical Care and Anesthesiologist
4 Dr. Sundaram L N MBBS, MD, FIICM Consultant Anesthesiologist
5 Dr. Atul Sharma MBBS, MD, FIICM Consultant Anesthesiologist
6 Dr. Ruben Omar MBBS, MD Emergency Medicine, FIICM Emergency Medicine
7 Dr. Jnanamani Nanaiah MBBS, FIICM Consultant Critical Care
8 Dr. Naganand K V MBBS, DA, DNB, IDCCM Consultant Critical care and Cardiac Anaesthesiologist
9 Dr. Prashanth Kumar K MBBS, MD Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Critical Care
10 Dr. Chengappa M N MBBS Consultant Intensivist
11 Anup Muralidhar Technical Head, Academic Coundsellor
12 Shravya V Academic Co-ordinator
13 Dr. Yogeshwari H R BDS Academic Co-ordinator

Academic Contributors :

Sl No. Name Qualification Specification
1 Dr Jasvinder Kaur MBBS, MD Consultant Anesthesiologist
2 Dr. Raghunath A MBBS, DA, IDCCM (ISCCM), EDIC(U.K), FICM(RGUHS) Consultant Critical Care
3 Dr. Lakshminarasimhan MBBS,MD DM Consultant Pulmonologist
4 Dr. Guruprasad Narayan MBBS,DA,IDCCM, EDIC Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care
5 Dr. Ramakrishna M . N MBBS, DA,DNB Consultant Critical Care
6 Dr. Naganand K . V MBBS,DA,DNB,IDCCM Consultant Critical Care and Cardiac Anesthesiologist
7 Dr. Bharathi K . S MBBS, MD, DM Consultant Cardiac Anesthesiologist
8 Dr. Manjunath K . R MBBS, MD, FICA Consultant Cardiac Anesthesiologist
9 Dr. Shasthara Paneyala MBBS, MD, DM Consultant Neurologist
10 Dr. Vidyavathi B . C MBBS, MD Consultant Microbiologist
11 Dr. Mahadeva . K MBBS, DA, DNB, EDIC Consultant Critical Care andAnesthesiologist
12 Dr. Santhosh M . O MBBS, MD. IDCCM Consultant Critical Care
13 Dr. Hema Venkataraman MBBS, MD,MRCP,CCT(Diab and Endo), PhD Consultant Diabetologist and Endocrinologist
14 Dr. RajeshIyer MBBS, MD Consultant Radiologist

Guest Experts :

Sl No. Name Qualification Specification
1 Dr.Premkumar K MBBS, MS, MCh Consultant Urologist
2 Dr.Dharmendra.B.L MBBS, MS, MCh Consultant Gastroenterologist
3 Dr.Umesh.L MBBS, MD Consultant Paediatrician
4 Dr. Anup Warrier MBBS,MD, DM Consultant-Infection disease

1. Foundation Course in Critical Care


Sl No. Name Qualification Specification
1 Dr.Guruprasad Narayan MBBS,DA,FCCCM, EDIC Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care
2 Dr.Ramakrishna.M.N MBBS, DA,DNB Consultant Critical Care
3 Dr.Manjunath.K.R MBBS, MD, FICA Consultant Cardiac Anesthesiologist
4 Dr.Mahadeva.K MBBS, DA, DNB, EDIC Consultant Critical Care andAnesthesiologist
5 Dr.Naganand.K.V MBBS,DA,DNB,IDCCM Consultant Critical Care and Cardiac Anesthesiologist
6 Dr.Laxmikanth MBBS, MD, IDCCM,FIICM Consultant Critical Care
7 Dr.Santhosh.M.O MBBS, MD. IDCCM Consultant Critical Care
8 Dr. Prashanth Kumar K MBBS, MD Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care

2. Advanced Course in Critical Care (ACIC) Mechanical Ventilation


Sl No. Name Qualification Specification
1 Dr.Gurudat.C.L MBBS, MD Consultant Anesthesiologist
2 Dr.Jayaraj.B.S MBBS, MD, DM Consultant Pulmonologist and critical care
3 Dr.Ramakrishna.M.N MBBS, DA,DNB Consultant Critical Care
4 Dr.Ashwini.A MBBS,DA, IDCCM Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care
5 Dr.Laxmikanth.B.S MBBS, MD, IDCCM,FIICM Consultant Critical Care
6 Dr.Raju B MBBS, DA, IDCCM Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care
7 Dr.Shobharani MBBS, DA, IDCCM Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care
8 Dr.Akshay.H.M MBBS, MD, IDCCM Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care
9 Dr.Abhilash MBBS, MD, IDCCM Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care
10 Dr.Raghunath A MBBS, DA,IDCCM ,EDIC(U.K), FIICM(RGUHS) Consultant Critical Care
11 Dr.Naganand.K.V MBBS,DA,DNB,IDCCM Consultant Critical Care and Cardiac Anesthesiologist

3. Essential Nursing Critical Care Course


Sl No. Name Qualification Specification
1 Dr.Archana S MBBS, MD Consultant Anesthesiologist
2 Dr.Sarika.M.Shetty MBBS, MD Consultant Anesthesiologist
3 Dr.Akshay.H.M MBBS, MD, IDCCM Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care
4 Dr.Laxmikanth MBBS, MD, FIICM Consultant Critical Care
5 Dr.Naganand.K.V MBBS,DA,DNB,IDCCM Consultant Critical Care and Cardiac Anesthesiologist
6 Dr. Prashanth Kumar K MBBS, MD Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care
7 Dr.Raju.B MBBS, DA Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care
8 Dr.Abhilash MBBS, MD, IDCCM Consultant Anesthesiologist and critical care

4. Practical Electrocardiography

Sl No. Name Qualification Specification
1 Dr.Harsha.M.M MBBS, MD, DM Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
2 Dr.SharathBabu MBBS, MD, DM Consultant Interventional Cardiologist

5. Arterial Blood Gas Analysis

Sl No. Name Qualification Specification
1 Dr.Naganand.K.V MBBS,DA,DNB,IDCCM Consultant Critical Care and Cardiac Anesthesiologist
2 Dr.Raghunath A MBBS, DA,IDCCM ,EDIC(U.K), FIICM(RGUHS) Consultant Critical Care
3 Dr. Jnanamani Nanaiah MBBS, FIICM Consultant Critical Care

The Scientific Chair is the department’s chief academic officer, responsible for the faculty of the raymedi inetrantional. These dual roles require that the Chair interpret company’s policies to the faculty, and ensure their effective execution, and at the same time, represent individual and group concerns of Executive Committee members to the Raymedi International.
The Chair is responsible for the development and enhancement of clinical, educational, and research activities, along with maintaining the quality of the faculty.
The Chair is responsible for the development of departmental recommendations.
The Chair is expected to be serving as a role model for the department by demonstrating institutional citizenship through participation in governance and in committee activities of the company, and the profession at large.
The Chair is expected to provide visionary leadership of the department and to oversee the departmental strategic planning so as to improve the quality of the clinical, educational, and research programs. Such planning should be in accord with the overall vision for the raymedi international.
The Chair appoints in consultation with the Program Director, approves all new courses; and initiates, plans, and coordinates CMEs and company educational efforts.
For Training courses and Fellowship, either directly or through designees, the Chair is responsible for the educational quality of the training courses and fellowships
For Continuing Medical Education (CME) Courses: The Chair approves all CME offerings by the Department and works with the Academic Council and the Program Director, as appropriate.
The Chair is responsible for the overall planning and assessment of the quality of clinical programs within the Company and for attending to the Department’s service delivery capability insofar as it affects the academic program of the Department. The Chair, in conjunction with the Academic Council, is actively involved in the development and implementation of faculty practice plans within the Department.
The Chair has the overall responsibility for research activities within the Department, an important aspect of which is protecting the faculty’s interests as professional scholars and promoting their professional development.
The Chair is responsible for the development of the academic plan for the faculty. The Chair presents the Department’s academic plan to the Academic council.
Safe and Respectful Work Environment: The Chair is expected to facilitate and maintain a safe and respectful work environment for faculty, students, trainees.
The Chair is responsible for convening meetings of the Department faculty. The Chair makes committee assignments within the Department and recommends Department faculty for committee assignments outside the Department. He or she maintains faculty records of research reports and publications

Our Certification Programs

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Certificate in Essential Mechanical Ventilation

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Essential Mechanical Ventilation

10 Lessons

What you'll learn

164 presentations [each presentation lasts for 30 minutes]</br>
89 hours & 30 min of classes in total</br>
13 modules [Examination at the end of each module]</br>
Exams at the end of each module</br>
Credit Scoring System [200 credit points in total]</br>
Final assessment examination after completion of all the modules</br>
Complete the course by earning adequate credit scores</br>
Clear the Final Assessment Examination</br>
Receive CDCCM</br>
Takes usually about an year to complete the course, but could be completed within a year, depending upon the student.

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Certificate in Advanced Mechanical Ventilation

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Advanced Mechanical Ventilation

17 Lessons

What you'll learn

164 presentations [each presentation lasts for 30 minutes]</br>
89 hours & 30 min of classes in total</br>
13 modules [Examination at the end of each module]</br>
Exams at the end of each module</br>
Credit Scoring System [200 credit points in total]</br>
Final assessment examination after completion of all the modules</br>
Complete the course by earning adequate credit scores</br>
Clear the Final Assessment Examination</br>
Receive CDCCM</br>
Takes usually about an year to complete the course, but could be completed within a year, depending upon the student.

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All Levels

Certificate in Trauma and Poisoning for Critical care

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Trauma and Poisoning for Critical care

7 Lessons
All Levels

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Certificate in Infectious Diseases for Critical care

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Infectious Diseases for Critical care

15 Lessons

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Certificate in Essential Cardiac Critical Care

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Essential Cardiac Critical Care

20 Lessons

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Certificate in Advanced Cardiac Critical Care

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Advanced Cardiac Critical Care

25 Lessons

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Certificate in Advanced Pulmo Critical Care

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Advanced Pulmo Critical Care

32 Lessons
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All Levels

Certificate in Essential Pulmo Critical Care

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Essential Pulmo Critical Care

26 Lessons
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All Levels

Certificate in Advanced Airway management

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Advanced Airway management

12 Lessons
All Levels

What you'll learn

137 Presentations [each presentation lasts for 30 minutes]
70 hours & 30 min of classes in total
13 modules[ Examination at the end of each module]
Self-assessment text at the end of each module.
Credit Scoring system[160 credit points in total]
Final assessment examination after completion of all the modules.
Complete the course by earning adequate credit scores
Clear the final Assessment examination.
Receive DACT completion certificate.
Takes usually about 6 months to complete the course, but could be completed within a year, depending upon the student.

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All Levels

Certificate in Essential Airway management

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Essential Airway management

8 Lessons
All Levels

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Certificate in Advanced Neuro Critical Care

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Advanced Neuro Critical Care

15 Lessons

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Certificate in Essential Neuro Critical Care

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Essential Neuro Critical Care

13 Lessons

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Foundation Course in Critical Care

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Foundation Course in Critical Care

42 Lessons

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Certificate in Radiology for Critical Care

Raymedi International
new certification courses

Certificate in Radiology for Critical Care

7 Lessons

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